Archive for March, 2008

perhaps you’re right

that all of us uprooting ourselves and moving to a new place on our own, are just running away from something. searching for something, even we don’t know what. i think that certain something is just called experience. no good or bad. just experience. life experience, a different experience.

lessons learnt

no matter which country you come from, which position you’re in, or how long you’ve been in an agency, you’ll still want to have friends, be funny and appear smart. it’s the same everywhere, across the board. and of course, there’s always booze to save the day.

how do i know i’m an introvert?

cos i’m tired of making new friends, even though i haven’t made m(any).

in response to your comments

no, that is not my cat. i don’t do well with humans, much less animals. maybe a cactus i can handle, but even that’s not mine! haha

and the furniture in the main area is my housemate’s i think. he’s been here for the past 6-7 years as the main tenant, and he’s an artist, so that would explain the good eclectic taste.

hell yea, the place is big, that’s why i really love it. it’s like all 4 of us can live in the same space without really getting in the way. besides the 40-year-old artist, my other housemates are 2 girls around my age — one is a part-time art tutor part-time nanny, the other is finishing up her masters in counseling or psychology or something along those lines.

some people don’t like the fact that my place is old or rough, and would have preferred something a little more finished, but i think that’s what gives it character. i think i really lucked out on this one.

my weird neighbourhood

i was having a yummy parmesan and black pepper scone for breakfast and sitting by the window people watching when i saw this – costumed shopping cart racing in wicker park.



