“btw, your blog is hilarious”

that was a random message from an old friend today. and it inspired me to post a new entry. because, you have no idea how much that means to me.

you see, for the past year or so, i have been constantly struggling to write scripts that are supposedly funny (to them) and are not funny (to me). of course, since i don’t know what really is funny and what is not, i have failed miserably.  as such, i have begun to doubt my sense of humour.

thank goodness i have stef and andy who think i’m funny sometimes. or maybe it’s just cos they like to laugh at crazy AZNs. whatever it is, we all have a good time. and i guess it doesn’t hurt that i laugh at andy’s lame jokes as well.

and now for some proof that i am indeed funny:
(if i’ve already related the following stories to you, you might not be laughing out loud at your computer because you have previously done so. and i forgive you for that.)

1. so i’ve been taking spanish lessons. and every few minutes or so, i would hear my teacher go something like, “anton says this” and “anton says that”. i was like, who the hell is anton? is it a game like simon says? then i check with my spanish expert, stef, and i realise that he’s been saying “entonces”, which really means “then”, and which was why he was punctuating his sentences with that.


2. for halloween, i went as a facebook-stalker, which was a lot of fun.


3. i then proceed to drink too much, and wake up the next morning with a vague impression that i fell on my face. stef SMSes me to ask if i’m alright. i look in the mirror and find that i have swollen sausage lips. turns out i scraped my face and bit on my lip doing so. it only hits me that i should go see a doctor after i speak to some friends. i end up going to ER only because it’s too late on a saturday afternoon and the clinics are closed.


well, i’m happy to announce that my face/lips seem to be healing nicely, and i don’t like antonio banderas. he just happened to be the only picture i could find of a remotely recognisable anton.

1 Response to ““btw, your blog is hilarious””

  1. 1 skinnypea November 18, 2008 at 1:40 pm

    You are HILARIOUS! Not sure whether you intended it tho. hahaha
    But whenever you feel otherwise, just compare yourself to my expert lameness and take heart.
    Love your halloween costume btw.

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